
7 August 2024

This Week is Early Learning Matters Week

Early Learning Matters Week aims to shed light on the transformative power of learning through play, a foundation of high-quality early childhood education. Through play, children explore the world around them, develop essential life skills, and build a foundation for lifelong learning.  

Organised by Early Childhood Australia, the purpose of Early Learning Matters Week is to bring together early childhood educators, parents, caregivers, and community leaders to celebrate and advocate for high-quality early learning, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration in promoting the well-being of children and communities. For more information on Early Learning Matters Week visit the website

There are still ways to get involved in Early Learning Matters Week from sharing your event, participating in activities, or spreading the word in your community, your contributions are invaluable in raising awareness and advocating for early childhood education. Visit the Early Learning Matters Week resources page for event information and social media resources.

Share your story about how family day care is giving families options 

Next week FDCA CEO, Andrew Paterson, will present to the ‘Regions Rising National Summit’ presented by the Regional Australia Institute, Canberra. Among panellists that include the Hon. Fiona Nash, Regional Education Commissioner, Andrew has been asked to share insights into the unique capabilities of family day care across the regions, and in particular, to share stories and case studies of circumstances where family day care is giving families options they didn’t have before.

If you would like to add to the many wonderful examples of the unique and irreplaceable value of family day care, we invite Educators and Services to share your stories about how you’re supporting families whose early child care education and care options are limited.

Click here to share your story.

AERO's Early Childhood Learning Trajectories - Executive Functions

The Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) has released a series of animated videos complementing their early childhood learning trajectories resource suite. These videos have been designed for early childhood education professionals, and cover a range of topics including executive functions. The videos align with the Early Years Learning Framework V2.0 and the National Quality Standard.

Executive functions enable humans to control impulses, stay focused, prioritise, and achieve our goals. They include 3 higher-order thinking skills that emerge during early childhood: working memory, inhibitory control and cognitive flexibility.

This Early Childhood Learning Trajectory video outlines children’s progress in executive functions and can be used alongside the EYLF 2.0 assessment and planning cycle to support children’s learning, development and wellbeing. A practice resource on Executive functions is also available on the AERO website.

Professional Development and Paid Practicum Grant Opportunity

Recently, the Minister for Early Childhood Education Dr Anne Aly announced an expansion of the Early Childhood Education Workforce package through both the Professional Development and Paid Practicum Grant Opportunity.

The Professional Development Grant provides Services with a grant to cover 1 day of training (up to 7.5 hours) for eligible qualified ECEC employees. The intended objectives of the Professional Development Program are to build capacity and skills in the early childhood workforce.

The Paid Practicum Program provides Services with a wage supplement so they can give employees paid leave while undertaking their practicum. The intended objectives of the Paid Practicum are to help Services support employees to complete qualifications and support Services to provide paid leave to student employees to complete practicums.

In 2024–25, all ECEC providers can apply. Subsidies are no longer limited to regional and remote areas and First Nations educators. 


20 September 2024 - Round 1 applications close

November 2024 - Round 1 payments expected to be made to successful applicants

13 January 2024 - Round 2 applications open

14 March 2025 - Round 2 applications close

May 2025 - Round 2 payments expected to be made to successful applicants

For more information, please visit the Department of Education’s information page here

To view the Professional Development and Paid Practicum Grant Opportunity Guidelines, please click here

To apply, please visit the 2024-25 ECEC Workforce Development Grants Portal.

PLEASE NOTE: FDCA is acutely aware that the programs fall short for family day care educators, as such, we are actively engaged in discussions with the Department of Education’s reform team towards the development of workforce support programs specific to the family day care sector.

Recipes for Fun in FDC

Last week FDCA launched a new interactive initiative for members via our Facebook Page called Recipes for Fun in FDC.

This new initiative will provide an opportunity for Educators to share some of their amazing activities, provocations and resources via our Facebook page. In turn we will have the chance to share one lucky Educator’s creation and share its “recipe” with followers.

Last week’s launch of the initiative received a great response and we’re looking forward to sharing our first recipe soon.

If you want to have a look at some of the fantastic ideas that were shared, click here to visit our Facebook page.

Member Elected Director Nominations 2024

FDCA is calling for nominations to fill vacancies arising upon the cessation of the tenure of two Member Elected Directors at this year’s Annual General Meeting.

The FDCA Board of Directors Board is focused on the effective governance of the company, including strategic direction, finance, compliance and risk management. The Board comprises seven to eleven positions, made up of:

  • A minimum of five and a maximum of six Directors elected by the national membership
  • A minimum of two and a maximum of five skills-based Directors appointed by the Board

Please click here to view FDCA’s current Board of Directors.

If you are interested in considering a directorship with FDCA, please contact Scott Rollason, FDCA General Manager via for a copy of the Board Candidate Nomination Pack and instructions on submitting your nomination.

Nominations must be received by 5pm (AEST) Wednesday 21 August 2024.

Dental Health in the Spotlight

This week is Dental Health Week, which is the Australian Dental Association’s major annual oral health campaign. The campaign focuses on the importance of taking steps to care for your teeth and gums to help you keep your teeth and smile for life.

There are a number of resources available that are designed for early learning Educators to encourage oral health and prepare children to visit the dentist. 

The purpose-built storybook, Guardians of the Gums is about a superhero team with easily understood messaging that teaches students how sugar is hidden in many of the foods we consume daily, how it can impact teeth, and how to protect their teeth. Both the ebook and the six lessons that accompany it are available here.  

Other resources include a ‘make a bib activity’ and video by the University of Sydney called ‘How to prepare your child for the dentist’.