
12 March 2025

Election Policy Commitments for Family Day Care Distributed

FDCA is pleased to announce that our Request for Election Policy Commitments for the Family Day Care Sector, ahead of the 2025 federal election have been finalised and sent to Australia's major political parties.

Our Election Policy Commitments provide Australia’s major political parties with a selection of targeted initiatives and opportunities to better leverage the capacity and unique strengths of the family day care sector.

Our 2025 election commitment requests address key priorities that will be pivotal in ensuring the long-term viability of the family day care sector. These priorities include (but are not limited to): 

  • Arresting the decline in numbers of family day care educators and approved services through strategies to support service viability, reducing administrative burden (at both service and educator level) and supporting sustainable growth in educator numbers.
  • Strengthening the financial viability of providing family day care by improving remuneration opportunities (e.g. through higher CCS hourly cap rates) and through targeted supply-side initiatives for services.
  • Exploring innovative models of family day care to expand capacity and delivery in areas of need, and for particular cohorts, in partnership with governments, industry, FDCA, approved services and educators.

FDCA has requested that the major parties make the following election policy commitments.

  1. Commitment to Remuneration Boost for Family Day Care Staff and Educators
  2. Tech Solutions to Administrative Burden for Family Day Care
  3. Improve Inclusion Support Measures for Family Day Care
  4. Supply Side “Operational” Funding for Approved Family Day Care Services
  5. An Appropriate and Equitable CCS Hourly Rate Cap
  6. Non-Standard Hours Loading for CCS Hourly Rate Cap
  7. ECEC Commission and FDC Strategy
  8. Start-up Support for New Family Day Care Educators
  9. New Educator Engagement Support for Approved Services
  10.  Funded National Recruitment Program
  11. Family Day Care Traineeship Program
  12. Venue Expansion and Dual Educator Model Scoping 

To view a copy of FDCA’s Request for Election Policy Commitments document, click here.

Child Care Subsidy periods of emergency

The Australian Government Department of Education (the Department) has declared several local government areas (LGAs) in parts of New South Wales and Queensland as a Child Care Subsidy (CCS) period of emergency due to the impact of Tropical Cyclone Alfred. The CCS period of emergency applies from 5 March 2025 to 14 March 2025. 

If services, families or educators are affected by Tropical Cyclone Alfred or another natural disaster, please visit the Department of Education website to view the most up to date list of declared LGAs and timeframes.

Providers, services, and families in affected areas can access emergency support for the specified dates. The Department will continue to monitor emergency situations and update the list as needed.

For further information about the support that is available in the affected regions, click the links below: 

Child protection training requirements - Queensland Government protocol

The approved provider of an education and care service must ensure that nominated supervisors, persons in day-to-day charge and family day care coordinators complete a child protection course if required by government protocol, under section 162A of the Education and Care Services National Law.

To allow time for those who have not previously completed one of the approved courses to enrol and complete a course, the Queensland protocol will take effect from 1 April 2025.

Evidence of completion of 1 of the following courses will satisfy compliance with s162A:

* These courses have been superseded on the national register of vocational education and training (VET).

The approved courses are nationally recognised units of competency and must be delivered by a registered training organisation (RTO).  Completion may be either stand-alone or as part of a qualification. In-house training is not sufficient. 

For more information visit the Queensland Government Early Childhood Education and Care website.

National Family Day Care Week - Picnic Registrations Open!

Registrations are now open for National Family Day Care Week!

We’re calling on all FDCA members to take part in National Family Day Care Week from 5 -11 May by registering their picnic and using the hashtag #fdcweek25. By registering and celebrating National Family Day Care Week with your own picnic, FDCA can publish a media release for your picnic and send it to local media outlets. The more members that register their picnics the better chance we have of raising the awareness of family day care during this important week.

FDCA members will have an exclusive chance to secure a FREE National Family Day Care Week Picnic Pack by being one of the first 200 members to register their National Family Day Care Week Picnic.

The FREE National Family Day Care Week Picnic Pack includes:

  • 24 FDC Week stickers
  • 12 FDC Week postcard invitations
  • 2 x A2 FDC Week posters

To register your National Family Day Care Week Picnic, click here.

Are you correctly recording visitors to your family day care?

There is often confusion around who educators need to include in their visitor log and how long these records need to be kept for. It is required under regulation 165 – Record of visitors.

Educators must keep records of all visitors to the family day care residence or approved venue while children are being educated and cared for by the educator. That includes anyone who doesn’t live or work at the property or venue, from your coordinator to a plumber.

The record needs to be kept at the family day care residence or approved family day care venue and must include:

  • name of each visitor
  • time of the visitor’s arrival and departure
  • signature of the visitor.

These records must be kept for three years and can be digital. For more information and a complete list of all required information for a visitors record see the Education and Care Services National Regulations.

Note: This information is based on the Education and Care Services National Regulations, which apply in most states and territories. Services and educators in WA should refer to the Education and Care Services National Regulations (WA) for specific requirements.

Recipes for Fun in FDC

Have you seen the Recipes for Fun call out this week on our Facebook page

We love seeing the inventive creations that educators share on social media and want to share them with our online community. By sharing these creations with our community, we hope to inspire educators to try out something new.

Educators can take part by sharing a picture and caption of an activity, provocation or resource on the Recipes for Fun in FDC post on our Facebook page. If selected, we’ll ask for short step-by-step instructions (including photos) for the activity so we can make a how-to guide for other educators to follow.

The lucky educator who is selected to share their creation will win a $50 visa gift card!

Our focus is to keep the activities simple and cost effective, so that all children and educators can jump in and have fun.

We can’t wait to see, and share, your great ideas!

Harmony Week - 17 to 23 March 2025

Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It’s about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. You can wear orange to show your support, or you can attend/host a Harmony Week event.

Bringing communities together through sport, food, music and entertainment plays an important role in promoting our cultural diversity. It creates an opportunity to think, talk about and recognise how our differences and our similarities make Australia a great place to live.

Friday 21 March is the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (IDERD) and is known as Harmony Day. 

To find out more, including resources for early childhood and information on hosting your own event, visit the Harmony Week website.