Family Day Care Australia is your national peak body which is why we care more about family day care - it’s why we’re here!
With 30 years experience representing, supporting and promoting family day care we know what’s important to you.
Family Day Care Australia provides superior and targeted cover under its public liability policies. You can always rest assured that both our educator and service public liability policies meet the requirements under Regulation 29 and 30 of the Education and Care Services National Regulations.
This cover protects staff where they are held liable for third party property damage, injury to children, parents or other persons associated with the family day care or in home care service.
We won't charge you an excess on your policy when you need to make a claim. In fact we offer free claims advice to help you in the event that you need to make a claim on your policy. Some insurers may require you to pay an excess when you need to make a claim on your policy, an excess can often range between $500 - $2,000 or more that you need to pay to your insurer when a claim is paid.
If you are a member of Family Day Care Australia, we can arrange a quote for you within 24 hours.
If you are wanting to run a family day care from your home as a family day care educator, you can click on the button below to purchase your family day care insurance online.
Family Day Care Australia has a Financial Services Guide that details information about our charges, your rights and other information to help you decide whether to use our services.
Please click here to view our Financial Services Guide.
To view the Policy Wording or Product Disclosure Statement please click here.
Family Day Care Australia ABN 93 094 436 021 AFSL 329 616 receives commission and fees for arranging this insurance. For full details see our Financial Services Guide (FSG). Because we don’t know your financial needs, we can’t advise if this insurance will suit you and we do not take into account your personal circumstances. The information we provide is general in nature only. You should consider your needs and read the Policy Wording before making a decision to buy this insurance. Please call us on 1800 658 699 for a copy of the FSG and Policy Wording.