
31 July 2024

Early Learning Matters Week 5 - 9 August

Early Childhood Australia’s (ECA), Early Learning Matters Week will be held from 5 - 9 August 2024 and aims to highlight the significant role that early learning plays in laying the foundation for future success. 

This year, the aim is to shed light on the transformative power of learning through play, a foundation of high-quality early childhood education. Through play, children explore the world around them, develop essential life skills, and build a foundation for lifelong learning.  

Early Learning Matters Week aims to bring together early childhood educators, parents, caregivers, and community leaders to celebrate and advocate for high-quality early learning, fostering a sense of unity and collaboration in promoting the well-being of children and communities. For more information on Early Learning Matters Week visit the website

There are many ways to get involved in Early Learning Matters Week from hosting an event, participating in activities, or spreading the word in your community, your contributions are invaluable in raising awareness and advocating for early childhood education. Visit the Early Learning Matters Week resources page for event information and social media resources and to register your event.

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day - Sunday 4th August 2024

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day gives all Australians the opportunity to show their support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and learn about the impact that culture, family and community play in the life of every child. National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day is all about coming together to celebrate the strengths and culture of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children!

National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day is organised by SNAICC who develop guidelines, advocate for change and put forward policy that will drive genuine and lasting change for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families. 

This year’s National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day theme is, ‘Strong in Culture, Stronger Together’ and focuses on the strength of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children that comes from their connection to culture and mob. Learn more about the theme on the SNAICC website.  

To get involved in National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children’s Day, you can hold your own event (be sure to register it here), check the resources page on the SNAICC website for activities and raise awareness of the day by sharing posts on social media with the hashtags #StronginCulture #StrongerTogether.

AERO's Early Childhood Learning Trajectories

The Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO) has released a series of animated videos complementing their early childhood learning trajectories resource suite. These videos have been designed for early childhood education professionals, and cover the domains of executive functions, social and emotional learning, mathematical thinking, language and communication, and physical development. Aligned with the Early Years Learning Framework V2.0 and the National Quality Standard, this resource suite aims to strengthen Educator confidence in using the evidence-based practice of assessment for learning. 

View the videos on AERO’s website, here.

Safe Sleep Conversation Guide

Red Nose Australia has released a conversation guide designed to help educators and services discuss the importance of sleep safety with families. Occasionally issues regarding safe sleep can arise due to requests from parents and families that do not align with policies and procedures, or due to a lack of awareness of potential risks in a family day care environment.

By using the conversation guide, educators and service staff can provide informed replies to common questions, such as:

  • “My baby settles better on their tummy, could you please continue doing this, so they have a good sleep?”
  • “My baby has just fallen asleep in their pram. Could you just let them sleep in the pram for a while?”
  • “How often are you checking the children and what do you look for?”

For further information view Red Nose Australia’s Conversation Guide.

Recipes for Fun in FDC

FDCA members are encouraged to keep an eye out for a new bi-monthly initiative that will kick off this week on the FDCA Facebook page called Recipes for Fun in FDC.

The new initiative will provide FDCA members with an opportunity to express their creative flair and share it with the sector.

We love seeing the inventive and creative activities, provocations and resources that Educators share on social media and want to share them with our online community. By sharing these with our community, we hope to inspire Educators to try out something new.

This week we will put a call out via Facebook to share an activity, provocation or resource that you’ve created and the children loved. Educators will be able to take part by sharing a picture and caption. If selected, we’ll ask for short step-by-step instructions (including photos) for the activity so we can make a ‘recipe’ for other Educators to follow.

The lucky Educator who is selected to share their ‘recipe’ will win a $50 visa gift card!

Our focus is to keep the activities simple and cost effective, so that all children and Educators can join in the fun.