
12 October 2022

World Mental Health Day 2022

This Monday 10 October 2022 was World Mental Health Day, a chance to spark conversations about mental health and wellbeing, and bring awareness to the impacts of mental health on individuals and communities.

This year’s theme was “Look after your mental health, Australia”, to show how we can all benefit from looking after our own mental health and the mental health of others.

Visit the official World Mental Health Day website here for some resources, tips and links to supporting organisations.

International study finds professional development is key

Early childhood educators who have access to high-quality professional development are happier in their careers and less likely to leave their jobs - some of the key findings from a new survey that sampled over 2,300 early childhood educators in the United States.

This survey is the first in an ongoing survey series, sharing on-the-ground insights and perspectives in early childhood education to inform conversations around policy and practice.

The findings also indicated that mental health and wellbeing remains a priority for educators, and that online professional development opportunities were a preferred method of access.

You can read the full study findings here.

FDCA Learning Hub

The findings of this study are unsurprising, with access to professional learning and development and continuous improvement consistently identified as a top priority by our members.

That’s why we partnered with Early Childhood Australia (ECA) to deliver the FDCA Learning Hub.

Housing over 27 courses, the Learning Hub offers participants a thorough and practical understanding of best practice.

The Learning Hub is completely free for all FDCA members and can be accessed through the Member Zone.

FDCA 2022 National Conference: Photographs Available Now!

The FDCA 2022 National Conference photographs from Hobart have officially landed!

Capturing our delegates over three days of events, workshops and plenary sessions, visit our website here for our Conference Sessions and Gala Dinner photographs.

Workshop slides

To help members get the most out of the 2022 National Conference, we've put together a list of workshop slides from our Friday and Saturday sessions.

Whether you missed out on the Conference, or are hoping to go back and re-read the slides from your favourite session, you'll find them on our website here.

New ACECQA resources to support inclusion

Inclusion is a key component to children’s sense of belonging within their early childhood education and care service, and their community more broadly.

For children with additional needs, inclusion is crucial to support their right to fully participate in all aspects of education and care.

Funded by the Australian Government, ACECQA has developed and recently published a new series of free national resources centred around the Disability Discrimination Act 1992, and the requirements of the National Quality Framework, to support coordinators and service teams to build an understanding of inclusion in their environment.

These resources can also be used by educators, approved providers and anyone interested in knowing more about inclusion, and include posters, fact sheets and information sheets.

Submissions open for the Summer Edition of JiGSAW!

FDCA is on the hunt for submissions for the 2022 Summer Edition of JiGSAW magazine.

Do you have a programming or curriculum success story that you would like to share with the sector?

Are you a service that would like to share a story about the achievements of your educators or staff?

Have you been on an exciting excursion or had an enthralling incursion that you would like to share?

Or maybe you have your own unique story that you think JiGSAW readers could take inspiration from!

If you would like to contribute to the upcoming edition of JiGSAW, send us an email at with a short description of your story, or the full article attached.

Update from the Department of Education

“Tuesday Tips”

The Department of Education has launched a series of Tuesday Tips where, each Tuesday in the Australian Child Care Providers and Services Facebook group, they highlight ways to help providers and responsible persons meet their obligations under Family Assistance Law.

The most recent series covers session reporting.

Session reports can be performed by:

  • a person with management or control (PMC); or
  • a person responsible for the day-to-day operation of a service (for their service only).

Providers must ensure that they submit session reports within 14 days after the end of the week in which the session of care was provided.

We encourage you to stay up to date with the Tuesday Tips series by joining the Australian Child Care Providers and Services Facebook group.