
Call for Abstracts

Share your knowledge and insights with the family day care sector

Renowned as the premier event for family day care professionals, the FDCA 2025 National Conference provides a unique opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder with some of Australia’s leading minds in early childhood education and care, and share your knowledge, experience and insights.

Regardless of whether this is your first time attending the FDCA National Conference or you’re returning, we invite you to submit an abstract to present.

As a presenter at the conference, you will become part of a stellar line-up that already includes internationally acclaimed New Zealand neuroscience educator Nathan Wallis, Dual Olympian and MD Dr Jana Pittman and National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds.

To take this unique opportunity to share your passion, knowledge and expertise with the family day care sector, simply click on the button below to submit your abstract.

To assist you in the development of your abstract, here are some themes that you may wish to consider (but not be limited to):

  • Business management in family day care
  • Child safety in family day care
  • Contemporary issues in society and ECEC
  • Demonstrating excellence in family day care and ECEC
  • Early years pedagogy
  • Effective leadership in family day care
  • Embedding Indigenous and cultural awareness in family day care
  • Engaging with families and building connections
  • Family day care in practice
  • Inclusive education in family day care
  • Innovative approaches in family day care
  • Risk management in family day care
  • Supporting behaviour and emotional development in ECEC
  • Sustainability in family day care and ECEC
  • Technology in family day care and ECEC
  • Wellbeing in family day care  

The closing date for abstracts is 31 January 2025.

Abstract review and selection

Session availability at the FDCA 2025 National Conference will be limited, therefore the number of presenters selected will be restricted.

We will give strong consideration to abstracts that are interactive in nature over those that are strictly oral in delivery. Therefore, please highlight if your session will be interactive within your abstract.

Successful applicants will be informed by email no later than 14 February 2025. Call for Abstracts terms and conditions can be viewed here.